Product Cost data in Google Analytics

We are pleased to announce that you can now send product cost data to Google Analytics via the Analytics Buddy app, thereby enabling you to see reports that show you profitability and not just revenue.

Check out the video above to see what it’s all about and then contact us at [email protected] about enabling this feature.

As a reminder, Analytics Buddy will only work properly if you have both ecommerce and enhanced ecommerce enabled.

Product Detail Views missing since July 27, 2015

By on August 4, 2015 in Google Analytics, Shopify

Since July 27, 2015, product detail views are missing in Google Analytics. As far as I can tell this is a global bug that would affect all Shopify stores using enhanced ecommerce.


As a retailer, what’s most important are your products. Do you have products that people want? How are your products performing? Can shoppers find them easily? Which products should I put on the homepage? Are shoppers taking action on product pages, such as adding them to cart? How are products that are new or updated performing? What other products might a customer be interested in?
Traditional metrics such as pageviews, sessions or exit rates are not nearly as actionable as product-related metrics, such as product views and add-to-carts.
If your Shopify store is affected, please take the time to contact Shopify support to ask them for a quick fix and to let them know that having reliable analytics data is crucial for online retailers. That is true whether you use Analytics Buddy or not.